
The Case of the Marietta Cross: Chapter Five (Continued)

Written by Cynthia L. Sperko Editor’s Note: This is a continuation of the fifth and final chapter of “The Case of the Marietta Cross”. For all previous chapters, visit From her bedroom window, Quinn saw Sara leave her home and walk towards the Northwest River Trail. “I’m already in so much trouble…I thought if


Dear Marietta, Hello, I’ve been living in Marietta for quite some time, and I understand that Marietta needs to have events so we can have the fireworks on the 4th of July and so on. But I live on Market Street, and we have no backyard parking. When you have these events would it be


Bob Shank, The Rodman, “Forever Young”

Written by Kathy Leaman and Darlene Pruett We met with Bob (John Robert Shank II) at Shanks Tavern, on a day the bar was not open. It was wonderful to be able to walk around and closely examine all the photos of the 94 years of the Shanks Tavern and family. We sat in the


Marietta Photo Scavenger Hunt Part 2 – Revenge of the Answers!

Written by Jack & Trisha Ries  In the last issue, we set a challenge to all Marietta residents and visitors to get out and about exploring our little borough in search of twelve local landmarks. All of us here at The Marietta Traveler were overwhelmed by the level of participation. So many of you decided


Written by Judith Kennedy In Mark Herman’s inspiring essay in the last Marietta Traveler, “Marietta Fireworks: Building a Legacy of Community Service”, he reflects over the course of his life and focuses on the things he is most proud of, namely, community service. He writes, “I am still excited about being able to serve alongside


Join Maytown Historical Society on a Trip To Cairnwood Estate

TRAVEL BACK IN TIME…… Looking for an interesting day trip? Why not join the Maytown Historical Society’s latest excursion! MHS is sponsoring a bus trip to Cairnwood Estate which is located 16 miles outside of Philadelphia on the Bryn Athyn College campus. Cairnwood Estate was built in 1895 by John Pitcairn, who was a cofounder


Annual Marietta Community House Garden Tour and Pork BBQ

The popular Marietta Garden Tour, which benefits The Marietta Community House, will be held on June 16 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This anticipated event offers gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts ideas and gardening insight. The 2024 Garden Tour will feature eight beautiful gardens, ranging from small accent gardens to creatively designed larger gardens. Seminars


Fireworks 2024- The Marietta Tradition Continues

Written by Gary Schatz, Marietta Fireworks Committee The suspense is building for this year’s fireworks show, preparations have been underway for months. We’ve purchased necessary supplies and equipment. We’ve displayed and advertised at various community events such as Donegal Fish and Conservation Association in March, Cherry Blossom Festival, Mayfest 2024, and Marietta Day. Final safety


The Case of the Marietta Cross- Chapter Four

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth and final chapter of The Case of the Marietta Cross. For previous chapters, visit Written by Cynthia L Sperko Sara was tossing and turning in her sleep. Eyes open, she sat straight up. Flipping on the lamp on her nightstand, Sara reached for her journal and pen and


Marietta Fireworks - Building a Legacy of Community Service

Written by Mark Herman As I approach my 60th birthday, I’ve become more compelled to look back on my life, thinking through the things I’ve done and why I’ve done them. What have I done that was good, bad, ugly, or indifferent? Well, what I’ve realized is that I’ve done my fair share of all