Dear Marietta,
I’m new to the area and looking for scenic points of interest in the local area. I’ve ridden the rail trail many times already and am wondering if there are other nature spots for active people in the local area?
Aiming for an Adventure
Dear Aiming for an Adventure,
Have no fear, Marietta is here! First of all, welcome to our beautiful town! Now, where to begin? There is a plethora of places you can visit within walking distance, and a short driving distance. For a beautiful view, visit Chickies Rock Overlook. You can walk the .5-mile flat trail, or you can take in the astonishing view of the Susquehanna River at Overlook Park.
If you are looking for more hiking trails, check out! You can search by city, park, or trail name. What’s great about this site, is you can read the reviews left by other hobbyists and get their feedback for each trail.
Another great site to check out is It is a virtual road map of all things Pennsylvania, and it literally has everything! Created by a professional photographer and lifelong Pennsylvanian, Rusty Glessner has recorded all his travels and broke them down by category; waterfalls, abandoned places, amusement parks, and roadside attractions just to name a few of the gems you will find.
Wherever your adventure takes you, always remember to travel safely and be smart! Happy travels!
Do you have a suggestion, concern, or question that you would like to submit? Submissions can be emailed to or mailed to:
Dear Marietta
201 W Market St
Marietta, PA 17547
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