
Dear Marietta

Dear Marietta,
Hello, I’ve been living in Marietta for quite some time, and I understand that Marietta needs to have events so we can have the fireworks on the 4th of July and so on. But I live on Market Street, and we have no backyard parking. When you have these events would it be so hard to post something with the events to be mindful of the residents that live in town for parking? When you have the events can’t you ask the neighboring churches to participate and have the out-town people park there and then be shuttled into town? It would help the residents that live on Market Street tremendously. Half the time when we have events, I’m not able to find parking close to where I live and there are times where it can be very stressful to even bring in groceries because I must double park and some of the people that come to the events can be very rude and disrespectful. Thank you for your time. A concerned resident.
Dear Concerned Resident,
You bring up an excellent point, and I feel that is something that event organizers should consider in the future. While I understand your frustrations (I share these frustrations as well, being a resident of Market Street), I’d like to mention that a lot of these events are put on by different organizations within the borough; Candlelight Tour is presented by the Marietta Restoration Associates, Marietta Day is run by Marietta Business Associates, the Cherry Blossom Festival went toward the care of the cherry trees on Front Street, etc. The point is a lot of these are events that are put on by local non-profits who might not have the funding for shuttles. If there are any local businesses and churches that would be willing to open their parking lots for events, reach out to the event promoters and let them know! And to the other residents of the borough, if you have both on- and off-street parking available at your home, maybe use your off-street spot during events so the public parking spots remain available for others. Let’s work together so we can continue to support such great causes and events.
Do you have a suggestion, concern, or question that you would like to submit? Submissions can be emailed to or mailed to:
Dear Marietta
201 W Market St
Marietta PA 17547
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