June 2022


Marietta Mystery #3 Chapter Two- The Mystery Deepens

Written by Cynthia L. Sperko Edwin was sitting on a wooden oak chair in the dining room at the Harland residence. Standing near him was Amy’s father, a middle-aged man with dark hair and a mustache wearing a pinstripe business suit. “So, Edwin, my daughter told me that you witnessed an elderly gentleman giving her


Marietta Legion Riders - Riding for a Cause

Written by Jack “Flake” Ries & Trisha “Mrs. Flake” Ries Spring is in full effect, and for many people, that means it’s time to dust off the old iron horse, crank up the motor, and go for a ride. Some people ride motorcycles for fun and recreation. Others find it to be therapeutic, relaxing the


Charity Barbeque Competition to be Held on June 6th at McCleary’s Pub

On Monday June 6 from 4:00-9:00 a special event will be held at McCleary’s Pub in Marietta. “Britty’s BBQ” will be a barbeque competition among local restaurants and aims to raise funds to build a garden with a nonprofit organization “REN Off-Grid” in rural South Africa. The event will honor a special person in the


Irish Recipes to Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day

Written by Trisha Ries Saint Patrick’s Day holds a special place in my heart. While the holiday was never really celebrated in my house, I have always had a sense of pride. Saint Patrick’s Day is more than a day of drinking until you see leprechauns, but a day of fellowship, pride, and heritage. I


Written by Michael Cassidy, Lancaster County Master Gardener, Maytown Last November, the Maytown Historical Society hosted a program on “Working Gardens in 19th Century Pennsylvania Dutch Country.” This program was presented by the Lancaster Master Gardener Program of Penn State Extension. The 25-30 people attending the presentation at the East Donegal Township building found that the common


Garden Tour and Pork BBQ Scheduled

  The popular Marietta Garden Tour, which benefits The Marietta Community House, will be held on June 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This anticipated event offers gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts ideas and gardening insight. The 2022 Garden Tour will feature eight beautiful gardens, ranging from small accent gardens to creatively designed larger gardens.


Marietta Fireworks Return on July 2nd

As always, the Marietta Fireworks for this year promise to be a blast. The Marietta Fireworks will be held at 9:15 on Saturday, July 2nd, weather permitting. The festivities begin long before that, though- Once again, Community Bible Church at 331 Anderson Ferry Road will serve as the center of events. The parking lot opens