
Marietta Community Organization News and Updates

Written by Steve Ulrich

From left to right Lion Bud Evans, Lion George Darling, and Pat Vogel delivering the blankets East Donegal Conoy Christian Food Bank

American Legion: New orders for the Hometown Heroes banner program are now being taken. Stop in to fill out a form. $250 fee.

Beautification Committee: The committee is looking for volunteers to help maintain the Cherry trees on Front Street. If you can trim branches, trim weeds, or gather sticks, contact Bob Heiserman at (717) 426-4350. Summer planters on West Market and Front Street have been decorated for the winter with greenery. If you’d like to adopt a planter, the first year cost is $250, $150 thereafter: contact Steve Ulrich

Lions: Marietta Lions are active this winter season. Christmas lights were taken down and stored on Saturday January 9th. Thanks again to the Lions and Lapp Electrical who helped out, and Abby Ulrich from Mulberry Thrill for suppling pastries and coffee to the volunteers. The Blanket Drive for the East Donegal Conoy Christian Food Bank was a success. The Marietta Lions collected over 100 blankets over October to December. The Blankets were then delivered to the food bank. Pat Vogel of the food bank thanked the Lions for their donation. The Marietta Lions would like to thank those in our community who contributed blankets. Large contributors of blankets from Marietta were the Community Care Center, Zion United Church of Christ, and the Marietta Community Chapel. The Lions are going to help the Vesta / Musselman Iron Furnace Center in cleaning up brush in the spring. Dave Haneman is going to lead this project for the Lions. Thanks again to all the Lions in the Marietta club for their donations and work towards the goal of helping in our community. Anyone interested in being a Lion please contact George Darling at 717-426-4349.

Marietta Community House has been busy renovating this past year. They have newly decorated rooms in the main house and are adding bathrooms and a handicap lift to the Studio (the building behind the main house). The Community House is excited about reopening facilities and holding community events once again. They expect to have their Annual Garden Tour, Volunteer Recognition Cocktail Party, Children’s Fair, Benefit Auction, and Veteran’s Day Celebrations this year. Keep an eye out for the dates. The renovations to the Studio will provide a flexible space to host many types of community events. There is a Plein Air Art Show scheduled for April 23rd – 25th. This is an exciting new event for Marietta. Please contact Mike at 717-341-1196 if you are interested in utilizing “The Studio”. Rates will be very reasonable for community events. The Community House looks forward to seeing you soon.

Musselman/Vesta Iron Furnace Center is planning on opening up the Iron Center in late March if the weather has warmed up. The Lancaster County Parks and Recreation naturalists have scheduled “Chickies Rock History Tour” for Saturday, March 27, from 1:00-3:00. Contact Lancaster County Parks for more information. Rob Evans, son of the late Dr. June Evans, has donated a lot of the information that was gathered during the Millersville University archaeological digs at the Henry Clay Iron Furnace to the Musselman/Vesta Iron Furnace Center. Members are sorting through these written documents and preparing to archive them into digital format.

There will be a clean-up at the Furnace complex sometime in mid-to-late March to provide easier access to more of the ruins that have been uncovered. Check the “chalkboard” at the Musselman/Vesta Iron Center for the date.

Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 has created an online shop making it easy to donate, buy raffle tickets, and order food sales: