Compiled and written by Steve Ulrich
The Marietta Center for the Arts, home of the Susquehanna Stage Company: has been closed due to the pandemic since March. During that time renovations and repairs to both the movie theater and the Eater Theater were completed, including roof, spouting, brickwork and construction of a new tech booth. Performers have been kept busy with virtual, online entertainment, games, and stories. At the July general membership meeting new board members were nominated and elected. Tentative plans include a return to live performance in early 2021.
Rotary: due to safety concerns, the Pig Iron Fest has been cancelled for 2020. Rotary is considering other fundraising methods to support charities such as the Conoy Food Bank that serves Marietta.
Marietta Area Business Association: continues to develop partnerships within Marietta, and with county agencies to support our hyper-local economy. E-mail newsletters and social media posts have kept business owners informed of grant and loan opportunities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Several Marietta businesses have benefitted from grants and loans as revenues have been severely impacted. To receive news via e-mail on these and other opportunities visit
Beautification Committee: the adopt-a-planter program on W Market and Front Streets continues to grow, with 19 planters now in full bloom. Cherry Tree pruning was postponed in June due to safety concerns for volunteers. Front Street mowing under the Cherry trees continues through the summer. If you would like to volunteer to assist in maintenance, please contact Bob at (717) 426-4350.
Rivertownes: Through a gift, Rivertownes is updating the Lancaster County Iron Industry Walking Guide that is a popular item for Northwest River Trail walkers and bikers who visit the Vesta Iron Furnace Center. At the Iron Furnace Center, the foundations of the skip hoist pit has been discovered and uncovered. The hoist was the device that conveyed raw material to the top of the furnace. The pit housed the scale that weighed all the materials. The furnace diorama has been updated with a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation has narration that describes each one of the structures on the display. Plans are in the works for a Walking Tour on November 1 providing that the COVID-19 restrictions have not increased. Installation of a three-sided sign has a Welcome to Marietta guide of businesses and organizations of Marietta, a Musselman Vesta Iron Furnace Center panel, and a chalkboard panel that is updated with events and activities at the Vesta.
Lions: had elections in June for the 2020/21 year. Results: President : George Darling ;Vice President: Andy Fantom
Treasurer: Gene Hilton ; Secretary: Bud Evans. Accomplishments this year so far include, in partnership with the Millersville Lions Club, and funds provided by the Northeast Pennsylvania Lions Service Foundation and donations by Integrous Fence and Decks, the Lions installed a fence for a special needs child in East Donegal Township. The child’s family and friends assisted with the installation. Continuing projects include: Highway clean-up of Route 441 from Route 23 to Route 743 ; East Donegal Conoy Christian Food Bank Club Food Drive ; Hanging and removal of the Christmas lights throughout downtown Marietta ; Easter Egg Hunt.