June 2019


Marietta has a long history of volunteerism. Before Marietta Days, fireworks, Candlelight Tours, Bike Races and the other community events we enjoy today, scores of volunteers helped with children’s parades, horse shows, the big Sesquicentennial Celebration, and many more town projects (see vintage photos courtesy of Steve Bailey). Community organizations and events foster a sense


Written by Trevor Williams   Again today, we hear the call, Their voices rising on the air. The chorus singing out,  Signaling to all who are there. Like clockwork, they sing. The beautiful gargantuan things.   Again today, a song of work. Tirelessly toiling the time away. We watch and wonder the destination. The streamlined


The night stream is run with stars, sky spills and slides against sienna ground with arrowheads deep in soil. Cicadas buzz like unseen molecules on August new moon. Lanterns, not lights, glow behind unshuttered windows, baby possum crawls along black pond, dog rests on moist pine needles as unknowns peer from behind fern and jewel


Written by Molly and Harper Kitchen Mayfest is a celebration of the beginning of spring and the end of winter and a great way to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of nature. Most importantly, it is a great way to bring the community together. Mayfest is held every year in Maytown, on the first Saturday


Would You Like to Get Involved in Marietta Government?

The best way to get involved and follow along in Borough government is to attend the meetings. Full council meetings are held once a month, on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall. This is where official action is taken and votes are held to determine spending and policy issues. But the actual


Written By Judith A. Kennedy There are many reasons to love a small town like Marietta.  There are just as many challenges, as with most things in life.  Those who were born in Marietta have deep memories that go back generations.  Those who are more recently moved here for many of the same reasons those


Crafts to Keep Kids Busy and Creative All Summer Long

Written by Trisha Ries As a kid, I longed for this time of year. The smell of freedom was inches away. Getting up and going to school became more and more of a chore. Then there it was, the last day of school. I hugged all my friends from school goodbye, got hand cramps from


Festival to Celebrate 100 Years of Marietta Community House

Kids and their parents are invited to drop by The Marietta Community House for games, food, and fun on June 22nd from 11:30 to 4:00. The event is in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1919 dedication of the building to the people of Marietta by the Hiestand family in memory of their son,