
The Lemondrop Martini

Submitted by Rebeca Shinsky, Bully’s Restaurant & Pub, Columbia Chill a large martini glass. Wet the rim with a lemon wedge and dip in sugar. In a cocktail shaker, combine2 oz. Absolut Citron vodka, 1 oz. Caravella Limoncello, and fresh lemon juice. Fill with club soda Lightly shake and pour in chilled glass. Garnish with


For the Love of BEER Part Two

Written by Jack Ries It’s time once again to talk about one of my favorite topics ever. The last time we did this, we discussed a brief history of brewing and talked with a local brewer about the current state of micro brewing in the US. This time around, I’d like to offer up some information about beer in general, and


The B & Bs of Marietta

The Comfort of Home, Away From Home Written by Trisha Ries Marietta is often a destination during our big town events like Marietta Day, the Garden Tour, and the Bicycle Race (just to name a few). Our town is filled to the brim on holidays and pub crawls as well. During these activities, sometimes the


Marietta Fireworks Launches a Comeback

There is exciting news for the citizens of Marietta and surrounding communities! On Saturday, June 30th (rain date of July 7th) the popular Marietta fireworks will return, bigger and better than ever before! Over the past year, a group of Marietta residents, under the leadership of Gary Schatz, has been working to organize the funding,


April Chowder Makes Marietta Prouder

The 3rd Annual Chowderfest in Marietta is scheduled for Saturday, April 7th, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Ed Lincoln Jr. and co-owners of the Railroad House, Joey Bowden and Freddy States, have teamed-up again to raise money for the Lancaster County SPCA, The Sebastian Foundation, Marietta Fire Department, and the Marietta Market. Last year’s


Along the River Trail: Bird Watching

Written by David de Vitry Springtime in Marietta is one of the best times of the year for bird watching. We have front row seats for a great migration along our waters. Thousands of neat birds travel along the river corridor through this area in spring. You can practically find new birds around each day,