August 2017


Fall Into the Season: Fun and Creative Things to do During Fall

Written by Trisha Ries The leaves will soon be turning to their beautiful red, brown, and orange hues. The smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon will be in the air. Football will be on every television set or being played at the local high school stadium, and everyone will be adorned in their favorite hoodie


The Union Meeting House:  A Piece of History

Written by Jack Ries I don’t think I’m telling any tales out of school when I say that Marietta is full of old stuff. There’s the bank building and the theater on West Market Street, all of the churches in the borough, Shank’s Tavern (and Bob Shank’s Volvo), and even the remnants of the last


Ate Days a Week

Written by Trisha Ries We all suffer from “Idontfeellike-cookingitis”. Whether you just finished your grocery shopping or just came home from a hard day at work; let Marietta do the cooking for you. Several local eateries will post daily/weekly specials on their Facebook page, so be sure to subscribe to the following pages to remain


Along the River Trail: Wild Edibles

Written by David de Vitry During a science field trip on wild edibles in middle school, we dined on puff balls, dandelions, lambsquarters and more. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by wild edibles and all that nature has to offer. It amazes me that everyday weeds, bushes, and trees have interesting and nutritious foods to


Marietta Community House Garden Tour and Pork BBQ Coming on September 10th

The popular Marietta Garden Tour, which benefits The Marietta Community House, will be held on September 10th. This anticipated event offers gardeners and outdoor lovers ideas and gardening insight for the end of summer and fall months. The 2017 Garden Tour will feature eight beautiful gardens around the Borough, ranging from small accent gardens to